Video: Andrew Host delivering his speech, 'Good from Bad' at the 2010 Area 16 Toastmasters Contest - courtesy of Andrew Host
How to Change a Life in Seven Minutes - Someone (possibly Jose Marti, the Cuban poet and revolutionary) once said that in order to leave a lasting legacy, there are three things we need to accomplish in life: have a child, plant a tree and write a book. Having recently published a novel as an eBook, Exuberance, I have been reflecting about the legacy and impact that our words have on others; and not just the words written in books.
When I first heard about the legendary Indian Pacific Train journey, the expression ‘bucket list’ hadn’t been invented yet. It would have been the late 1980s and I was newly arrived in Australia. |
Midnight MusingsAuthorBel Vidal - Débutante novelist (author of Exuberance), blogger, Archives
December 2023